OLL - Omega Laboratories Limited
OLL stands for Omega Laboratories Limited
Here you will find, what does OLL stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Omega Laboratories Limited? Omega Laboratories Limited can be abbreviated as OLL What does OLL stand for? OLL stands for Omega Laboratories Limited. What does Omega Laboratories Limited mean?The pharmaceuticals medical organization is located in Montréal, Quebec, Canada.
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Alternative definitions of OLL
- Our Lady Of Lourdes
- On- Line Learning
- Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Holland, Michigan
- Outdoor Leadership Laboratory
- Ohio Legislature...Live!
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Osha Liang LLP
View 33 other definitions of OLL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OAL Orient Abrasives Ltd
- OLGCC Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
- OIL Odyssey India Ltd.
- OTCMG OTC Markets Group
- OFG Opal Financial Group
- OLHSA Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency
- OPH Office Pavilion Houston
- OPTC Oxford Physical Therapy Centers
- OG The Odyssey Group
- OFP Opt French Polynesia
- OPL Oakleaf Partnership Limited
- OCPL Orange County Public Library
- OCS Orbital Critical Systems
- OO The Office Operators
- OHA Ontario Hockey Association
- OWW Ohio Willow Wood
- OUL O'connor Utilities Ltd
- OHSD Oak Harbor School District
- OAP Oxbridge Academic Programs
- OBS Odea Bank a S